Lydia (Sudall) Link - I am a student of light. Beginning my career in theater, before engaging in cinematography and photography, I have always been distracted of how light passes over new environs. Based in NYC, but craving the natural order of things, I gravitates towards the easily accessible mountains of the Northeastern US.

By day my skills as a gaffer and lighting technician in television and film industry. Using her intrinsic knowledge of the behavior of light to assist directors and cinematographers to create a unique look for each piece. When not on set I prefer to work less collaboratively; instead opting to hike, snowshoe, kayak, swim or drive to find moments of forceful solitude showing and unmodified view of our current surroundings.


B.A. Moving Image Arts - The College of Santa Fe 2008

Minor- Studio Art/Art History

Additional Credits:

Georgetown University
Ithaca College

H.S. -The Baldwin School, Bryn Mawr, PA.